Welcoming in 2024 at George’s Greek Village

Celebrating the past and looking to the future! It is always amazing to…

Celebrating the past and looking to the future!

It is always amazing to look back at the year we’ve had; and anticipate the future as we welcome in 2024 at the restaurant.

Growing with Gratitude

It is incredible to remember that is was SEVEN YEARS AGO we opened the doors of George’s Greek Village for the first time!

Since our first days (like the one pictured above of George), we have continued to grow our customer base, expand our menus, gain a great deal of practical wisdom and hold fast to our commitment of always serving the BEST in Greek food.

We always mention it but we will say it again, we could not be here without all of our AMAZING customers.

Some of you we see all the time, some of you pop in while vacationing and yet others are locals that are still discovering us for the very first time. Regardless, we love seeing and serving each and every one of you and we are forever thankful for all the support.

Below, our all season patio remains a favourite destination for our dine in customers!

Below, FLAMING SAGANAKI! Our commitment to the freshest and most authentic Greek cuisine keeps our customers coming back for more

It Takes a Team to Make the Magic Happen!

We have been so fortunate to have a solid team of committed individuals that work with us and many of them have been with us for years. We would like to take a moment to give a shout out to them and their hard work and dedication to excellence each and every day at the restaurant!

Fresh and Creative

George has ensured that this has been another stellar year of keeping things new and exciting with the menu options!

Weekend features have become the norm and we have had some awesome dishes over 2023 that everyone has loved.

Here are but a few…

Capturing the Action

We have enjoyed filming various videos throughout the year featuring “George’s Kitchen” where George demonstrates the “how to” of some of his famous dishes as well as a special documentary style edition that expanded on the bigger picture of how George’s Greek Village came to be!

Getting Inspiration from the Source

This past year George had the opportunity (and time) to visit Greece where he spent time with family and gleaned more inspiration for future dishes at the restaurant!

Community Care Donations

This year marked a milestone $51, 506.00 donation to Community Care with our ongoing Meal Deal. We are so thrilled that this takeout initiative that started years ago has generated this wonderful support for this most worthy cause.


As we conclude 2023 and look to 2024, we wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and look forward to serving you in the year ahead.  Thank you for reading!

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